'Programming'에 해당되는 글 77건
- 2016.03.28 [Java] class 파일 실행하기 - GcmSender
- 2016.03.27 [Android] Package Name 얻기 (build time)
- 2016.03.21 GCM 사용시 R.java 에서 에러가 생길 때, 해결방법
- 2016.03.04 Android] Error 해결 : Error:The project is using an unsupported version of the Android Gradle plug-in (0.6.3)
- 2016.03.04 Android] Error 해결 : aapt.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 42 2
- 2016.03.03 Android] Error 해결 : Error:The SDK Build Tools revision (19.0.0) is too low for project ':HelloEndpoints'. Minimum required is 19.1.0
- 2016.01.28 [Android] Marshmellow 에서 Wi-Fi, BLE 제어시 scan 안될 때 권한 해결방법 7
- 2015.11.17 [Android] Android Studio : See console for details.
- 2015.11.05 [Android] Android Google Plus getCurrentPerson returns null
- 2015.09.20 [android] cannot recover key android 2
- 2015.09.20 [android] Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
- 2015.09.14 [android] 라이브러리 중복해서 쓸 때, android v4 에러의 해결
- 2015.09.10 [android] All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time
- 2015.09.10 [android] volley framework build with ant
- 2015.09.06 [Android] DrawerLayout cannot be resolved to a type Error
- 2015.08.20 [GCM with python] 2. Install Python with APP Engine SDK
- 2015.08.20 [GCM with python] 1. Intro
- 2015.08.05 [GCM] 4. 실행
- 2015.08.05 [GCM] 3. Get Configuration File
- 2015.08.02 [GCM] 2.1 Import Project - 1st Error 1